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The surveys will be conducted by JGU, who will collect data and carry out the analysis. Inferential statistical analysis will be conducted to analyse differences between gender and age groups, and countries as well as the effect of education levels and socio-economic characteristics, correlation analysis will be also performed between selected variables and multiple linear regression will be performed to assess the determinants factors of MedLifestyle adherence.
Based on the main findings of the MEDIET4ALL comprehensive e-survey and following a critical review of the latest published literature related to MED consumer behaviours, preferences and MED market, multidimensional guidelines and best practices to enhance MEDIET adherence will be developed by JGU in collaboration with all partners. The main aim of these guidelines is to orientate MEDIET4ALL consortium in the development/improvement of newly developed or optimized MEDIET4ALL products and services.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consequat egestas lacus id maximus. Vivamus metus nisl, accumsan tincidunt tincidunt sed, elementum a sapien. Vestibulum a elementum massa, et venenatis purus. Phasellus ut risus eros. Ut ut vehicula tortor, vel ultrices eros. Aliquam posuere accumsan ante eu fringilla. Integer tempor egestas enim efficitur iaculis. Nam et velit quis metus dapibus vestibulum. Nam rhoncus ligula non urna ultrices, non maximus justo luctus. Vestibulum blandit ex ac quam eleifend accumsan. Nullam sit amet leo et nisi tempus facilisis nec sed lacus. Nunc a malesuada eros. Curabitur quis ipsum ante. Maecenas fermentum justo mi, et maximus tortor sagittis non.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consequat egestas lacus id maximus. Vivamus metus nisl, accumsan tincidunt tincidunt sed, elementum a sapien. Vestibulum a elementum massa, et venenatis purus. Phasellus ut risus eros. Ut ut vehicula tortor, vel ultrices eros. Aliquam posuere accumsan ante eu fringilla. Integer tempor egestas enim efficitur iaculis. Nam et velit quis metus dapibus vestibulum. Nam rhoncus ligula non urna ultrices, non maximus justo luctus. Vestibulum blandit ex ac quam eleifend accumsan. Nullam sit amet leo et nisi tempus facilisis nec sed lacus. Nunc a malesuada eros. Curabitur quis ipsum ante. Maecenas fermentum justo mi, et maximus tortor sagittis non.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent consequat egestas lacus id maximus. Vivamus metus nisl, accumsan tincidunt tincidunt sed, elementum a sapien. Vestibulum a elementum massa, et venenatis purus. Phasellus ut risus eros. Ut ut vehicula tortor, vel ultrices eros. Aliquam posuere accumsan ante eu fringilla. Integer tempor egestas enim efficitur iaculis. Nam et velit quis metus dapibus vestibulum. Nam rhoncus ligula non urna ultrices, non maximus justo luctus. Vestibulum blandit ex ac quam eleifend accumsan. Nullam sit amet leo et nisi tempus facilisis nec sed lacus. Nunc a malesuada eros. Curabitur quis ipsum ante. Maecenas fermentum justo mi, et maximus tortor sagittis non.
Identify the main sources of recipes for the MedConsumer and to select a sample of them to be reformulated and renewed using different culinary techniques. Taking into account the results of the MEDIET4ALL survey, and following a series of interviews with the Med-consumers core group, we will collect useful information about the source of inspiration that the general population uses for finding new recipes, making decisions on their food choices and to follow specific dietary patterns, and the potential reasons for adopting innovations or modifications in their culinary habits.
The selected recipes will be those which consider hypo-allergenicity, consumers’ preferences and local and budget-friendly ingredients with potential to be improved from a nutritional, antioxidant and sustainable standpoint.
Once the set of recipes has been selected, a reformulation process will be conducted to address the main drawbacks of each recipe and update them from a culinary perspective. With the aim of ensuring appropriateness for each country, a co-design culinary team will be established including chefs and advisors from the different participant countries.
As a result, the selected 56 recipes will be modernized, and a training on their preparation and the updated culinary techniques will be designed (included in WP6).
The antioxidant potential of the 56 traditional and the 56 updated MedRecipes will be analyzed in order to compare and confirm the improvement in this sense. Furthermore, known and novel analytical methods, including spectrophotometric and chromatographic approaches will be developed, validated, and applied for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the bioactive compounds in both the traditional and modern dishes.
The modern MedRecipes with high antioxidant and nutritional values will be prepared with mild technologies and evaluated by a panel of consumers. Participants will be randomly selected from a panel of volunteers (PanelSens database from the CSGA). The experiments will be performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects and ethical rules enforced by the French law. The panel of volunteers will evaluate the pleasantness for each selected recipe.
54 healthy MEDIET/lifestyle programs of 12 weeks (KPI-1d), including recently recommended PA, MEDIET, and social and mental activities to promote physical and mental health. These intervention scenarios will be collected on a specific database, available for the public in the integrative e-platform and will be delivered to each correspondent user profile via the smart coach.
Importantly, in case of the detected change in the user’s profile (e.g., BMI, lifestyle behaviours, age group, country) via developed follow-up systems, the delivered (sub)scenarios will be adjusted by the smart coach. A specific strategy based on user preferences will be implemented to deliver optimal intervention scenarios while avoiding user burden.
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
A comprehensive multicenter database and an interactive map of traditional and modern MEDIET recipes will be created. It provides information on both macronutrients and micronutrients, including many of the constituents that give these foods their flavor, color, taste, texture and aroma.
A web platform will be developed (integrated within the project’s website) with which useful data could be collected from users (MEDIET actors (consumers/providers)) regarding the existing dietary lifestyle and processing and preferences for traditional and modern MEDIET recipes focusing on the eligible areas and at a global level. The web platform will collect and store the data from the users in a big data repository in which classification algorithms will be applied to produce a user-profiling engine. The data will be analyzed with big data analytics tools and the classification algorithms will group users in lifestyle types in accordance with their preferences and feedback.
MedFood products stakeholders mapping will be done through desk research, inputs provided by MEDIET4ALL partners and the inventory of other projects developed at regional and national level. The mapping includes the entire MEDIET supply chain: from inputs, primary production, harvesting, storage, processing, (bio)packaging and distribution, to consumers. Then, a user-friendly digital multicenter database of MEDIET stakeholders will be created.
The tool will be developed as a dynamic and visual dashboard, displaying all relevant data along the MedFood products value chain. The tool aims to develop a complete overview of the entire MedFood products value chain and the interactions amongst all the MEDIET stakeholders. As a result, it will allow a thorough understanding of the complexity of the MedFood products value chain around the MedRegion and create a shared understanding that facilitates and stimulates dialogue and interaction amongst them. The tool will help to coordinate strategies and to strengthen MedFood products territorial supply chains
In the web platform animations (e.g., for movement execution), cooking video/detailed recipes preparation (e.g, for MEDfood), serious games, social inclusion services (e.g., current sociocultural events/country, chats option) will be linked to the different contents of the suggested scenarios to facilitate the adherence of MEDusers to the tailored scenario. Additionally, for motivational and educational reasons expected physical and mental health benefits of each scenarios will be linked and detailed.
All ethical issues and European Charter of Fundamental Rights will be respected. The Ethics Manager (EM) cooperatively with the WPLs and TLs will develop a data management plan (D5.1) which will cover all ethical and data protection and privacy issues of the project and specify the way to handle the data both during and after the project is completed.
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Three e-book (1st e-book for children/adolescents, 2nd e-book for adults and 3rd e-book for elderly) providing, based on latest literature reviews, nutritionaleducation for peoples from all ages on health and environmentally sustainable benefits of MEDIET and multi-harmful effects of ultra-processed food and sedentary lifestyle.
2 collaborative board games targeting family and friends and 2 multilingual memory games based on MEDIET food recipes. Players in MEDIET cooperative games don’t compete against each other but have a common goal to win together. Such games are intended to enhance the acquisition of moral values and prosocial behaviors and to promote social inclusion.
As part of the awareness campaigns, talks, seminars, and workshop targeting the general population regardless their age, sex educational levels, job will be ensured by the MEDIET4ALL experts as well as external nutritionists, health and environmental experts and will target universities, schools, older adults care centers, restaurants, food companies and sports events and will focus on the multi-benefits of the Med lifestyle (diet+physical activity+social) to raise awareness and train the entire families into the necessary educational, nutritional, social and environmental changes to adhere to Med lifestyle.
Participants’ knowledge (pre-and post seminars) about MEDIET and MedLifestyle and their satisfaction scores about these campaigns will be evaluated during all campaigns.
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
All partners will provide the needed information to monitor project achievements and they will contribute to the production of administrative reports and documents for the European Commission (e.g. Progress Reports, Financial Statements).
MEDIET4ALL will manage to ensure, promote and maintain scientific integration and coherence within and across different WPs, and in particular to monitor the WPs outputs especially where dependencies exist and outputs from one WP are necessary inputs to another.
The activities will be directed to: i) define and implement the MEDIET4ALL Ethical Strategy, including privacy, data protection (appropriate anonymisation and pseudonymisation techniques; GDPR), data security issues and Data Management Plan; ii) define ethics-related part of the MEDIET4ALL Evaluation Framework based on co-creation principles to ensure active engagement with the stakeholders from all contexts, determining the impact indicators that measure the acceptance of CI and well-being of the operator(s) iii) elaborate templates of relevant ethics documents (such as participant’ consent; procedures for withdrawing consent); iv) get information and make assessment and oversight activities relevant to the project impact on society; v) establish and maintain a continuous interaction between the Ethical Advisory Board, the Coordinator, the Ethics Mentor and the WPL; vi) provide guidance of good practices in respect of any ethical and consent issues.
Identify potential managerial problems, called risk elements (e.g. unavailability of resources, lack of a shared understanding among them, unexpected changes in the pilots’ environment) which will be identified and studied before they occur. A Risk Management Plan will be established and invoked as needed across the life of the project or the actions to decrease adverse impacts on achieving project objectives.